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See Your Baby for the First Time

Get ultrasound services in Stonewall, LA

Are you a mother-to-be? Schedule an appointment at Magnolia Family Medicine for your first ultrasound. Our medical practice in Stonewall, LA has state-of-the-art technology, so we’ll give you a detailed update on your baby’s health. You can use our images as a checkpoint for your baby’s growth, development and well-being.

Make sure your unborn baby is in good health — come to us for ultrasound services today.

Why are routine ultrasounds so important?

Monitoring fetal development during your pregnancy can help us detect issues early. Our high-tech imagining can help us diagnose conditions related to your baby’s vital organs, such as the:

  • Liver
  • Heart
  • Kidneys

You’ll receive your ultrasound at our medical practice in Stonewall, LA. Our radiologist will interpret the results and then pass them along to your primary care physician. If your baby needs a special injection or biopsy, we’ll let you know ASAP.

To learn more about our ultrasound services, don’t hesitate to call 318-531-8543 now.

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